What Is a Drug Tax Stamp?


Over 20 states legalized medicinal marijuana, and they are seeing the financial windfall. Taxing the formerly illegal drug has become big revenue.

However, some states have a more unconventional method of getting revenue from illegal substances.

They’re called drug tax stamps. If you’ve never heard of them, you’re not alone. Since 1991, when the stamps were released, the state has sold 625 of them. Most of them went to collectors.

What is a drug tax stamp?

Marijuana - stamp drug

Under the Nebraska Marijuana and Controlled Substances Tax, drug tax stamps are for anyone possessing illegal substances. Nebraska is one of 20 states in the country to require them. These stamps are expensive and do not grant immunity for someone caught possessing illegal drugs.

The tax requires someone to purchase stamps if they possess:

  • Six or more ounces of marijuana at $100 per ounce or portion of an ounce
  • Seven or more grams of a controlled substance sold by weight at $150 per gram or portion of a gram
  • 10 or more doses of any substance sold by the unit at $500 for every 50 doses or portion of a dose

Carrying controlled substances without the proper amount of drug tax stamps can be a class IV felony and carry a $10,000 fine on top of other drug charges.

Nebraska doesn’t expect anyone using illicit substances to buy the stamps. They just use the tax as a reason to add more charges to drug sentences.

Most people don’t even realize they exist, but if the state apprehends someone on drug charges, they can see expensive drug tax stamp charges added to their record.

Drug charges are serious and need to be handled with care. If you have been charged with possession or any other drug-related crime, know your options by speaking to an experienced criminal defense lawyer.
