Drug Possession Lands Pair of Actors in Jail


Being arrested for drug possession in Omaha may be viewed as being indicative of several different scenarios. Authorities may believe that one was in possession of the illicit substances with an intent to distribute or sell them. In other cases, it may be suspected that those allegedly found with them intended to transport them elsewhere. In either case, subsequent charges may often surface that imply that those facing them were also involved in related criminal activity. However, there may also be instances where one allegedly possessing drugs serves as an indicator of his or her personal struggles with addiction.

This could certainly be the case with a pair of actors who were recently arrested by Hamilton County authorities. The boyfriend and girlfriend were said to be in possession of mushrooms, methamphetamine and marijuana. Their encounter with authorities was initiated by a traffic stop for a failure to use a turn signal. Both were booked into Hamilton County Jail on felony charges.

The young man involved is the son of actors Sean Penn and Robin Wright. His struggles with meth addiction have been well-chronicled, including his father forcing him into drug rehab to deal with the issue. In many cases like this, rehabilitation and treatment may be exactly what those charged with drug possession need in order to break the hold that controlled substances have over them. Securing such help may be difficult, however, when facing criminal charges. While not absolving them of any crime they may have committed, thought should be given on how to best prevent such incidents from ever happening again. Those hoping that favorable outcomes to their drug cases can get them the help they need may want to work with an experienced criminal defense attorney to secure them.

Source: CBS News "Hopper Penn arrested in Nebraska for drug possession" Park, Andrea, Apr. 06, 2018
