What Should You Do If You Are Pulled Over?


Nebraskan residents like you should know what your rights are if you're ever pulled over by the police. McGoughLaw P.C., L.L.O., is here to help you understand what the police can and cannot do during a traffic stop, and what you can do to protect yourself.

First of all, an officer must have a reason for pulling you over. That reason can include:

  • Having expired tags
  • Having a broken tail light
  • Not signaling a turn or merge
  • Speeding
  • Not performing a correct stop at a stop sign

Police can also pull you over if you seem to be weaving through lanes or otherwise driving aggressively. They cannot pull you over due to simple suspicion that you may be carrying drugs or driving under the influence. They also can't pull you over due to conclusions drawn from profiling. However, these instances unfortunately still occur.

Second, you should know that you can deny an officer the right to search your vehicle. Unless they have a search warrant, you can deny any requests they make to take a look inside your car. Know that they may still be able to arrest you if you choose to deny them access. They may even search your car anyway. But if you don't grant them permission and they find evidence in a subsequent search, it is possible to have that evidence discarded.

Residents who are pulled over in a routine traffic stop may find themselves facing more than they assumed. If you're dealing with drug-related charges as the result of a traffic stop, you may want to take a look at our web page on drug trafficking and distribution defense for more information. It's linked above.
