How can a drug conviction hurt you?


When you're charged with drug-related crimes, the severity of a potential conviction may take a while to sink in. Fortunately, you have Nebraska legal professional McGoughlaw P.C., L.L.O., here to show you the intense impact that a conviction can have.

When considering the effects of a drug crime conviction, many people focus on the shorter term. These impacts can be quite traumatic. They may include large fines and time in jail or prison. If you're facing financial difficulties, these fines can potentially send you into debt. Even a few months in jail can also impact your life irreversibly, as you may lose your job or be unable to stay enrolled in school during this period.

Long term effects can be even more damaging in some situations. Depending on your charges, you could end up with a felony on your record if convicted. Because of that, you could have trouble finding employment in the future. Many companies will not hire people with felonies on their record on principle, regardless of what crime the felony is for. You could have trouble finding housing for a similar reason. The combination of difficulty in finding housing and job opportunities can set you back immensely when it comes to reestablishing yourself and working toward a better future.

If you've been charged with drug-related crimes in Nebraska and need a helping hand, visit our linked web page. Learning as much as you can about the legal process could help to prepare you when it comes to facing your own oncoming battles.
