Can You Get a Job with a Criminal Record?


If you are one of the many people in Nebraska who has ever been arrested or even convicted of a crime, you understandably may be concerned about your chances of getting a job or a new job if you have one now. While a criminal record may hinder a job search in some situations, it does not always have to. explains that one thing to keep in mind is theĀ nature of your criminal offense or history. For example, if you are now 35 years old and you were arrested for property damage as part of a prank while in high school but you have had no other offenses since then, your record may not be an issue. However, if you were convicted two years ago for theft of property on residential property and you are applying for a job as a domestic assistant, you may need to reconsider your options.

Another thing that can be important is what type of discussion you have with a potential employer about your situation. You may want to consider letting them know about your history before they find it on a background check. This type of openness may help to build a level of trust and also give you the opportunity to explain any extenuating circumstances that are sure to be left off of a background check record.

This information is not intended to provide legal advice but is instead meant to give people in Nebraska who have had prior criminal convictions ideas and tips on how to look for a new job.
