Trucker Charged with Drunk Driving


When driving in Nebraska, people are subject to the state of Nebraska's laws regardles of their actual states of residence. The same is true for any other state in the country. This includes laws relating to traffic violations or more serious offenses like driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

A truck driver from Iowa has learned this after a recent incident near Wood River. The trucker is reported to have been arrested and charged with impaired driving due to alcohol after a crash that turned his semi truck on its side. The incident took place in the night along a stretch of Interstate 80. Sources do not indicate that any other vehicles or persons were involved and it is unclear what may have precipitated the truck turning over. No details of any road hazards or need for the driver to avoid another vehicle were given.

Also unknown is the supposed blood alcohol content of the trucker at the time of his arrest. The man is 51 years old and was driving a truck containing farm chemicals to an unknown destination. The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality was said to have cleaned up the accident scene.

In situations like the above, talking to an attorney may be helpful. For defendants unfamiliar with Nebraska's laws, it may offer a viable way of getting the facts about the charges faced and any potential consequences associated with those charges.

Source: NBC Nebraska, "Iowa man arrested for DUI after I-80 rollover in Central Nebraska," Russ Batenhorst, March 13, 2017
