Do Drug Diversion Programs Work?


Have you been arrested for a drug crime in Nebraska? Maybe you have a close friend or family member who is facing criminal charges related to a drug arrest. Either way, you will want to learn about the state's drug diversion program. There are many reasons that states like Nebraska have established these programs and the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) indicates these programs offer many benefits to participants, court systems and the public alike.

Data from the NADCP shows the when compared to other forms of penalties, drug courts are more likely to reduce the amount of crime by up to 45 percent. These programs have also been shown to dramatically improve the chance of someone addicted to a drug getting the help he or she needs to combat that addiction. Without proper support, of which court-mandated supervision may be one form, people are more apt to drop out of treatment programs before they have completed all of the steps. Drug courts have a much greater rate of keeping people in treatment for longer times.

For people who have used methamphetamine, drug use is known to reduce by 50 percent among people who complete drug court programs compared to those people who do not complete drug court programs. These programs offer defendants a better chance of getting their lives back on track.

This information is not intended to provide legal advice but is instead meant to give Nebraska residents an overview of the many benefits associated with drug courts and drug diversion programs over other forms of consequences.
