Plea Bargain Basics


You have no doubt read or heard stories about people who were convicted of crimes in Nebraska after entering into plea bargains with authorities. The term "plea bargain" on its own indicates some sort of deal has been struck that one would think should be good for both sides in some way. However, what really are the benefits or potential pitfalls of a plea bargain?

OccupyTheory indicates that many of the benefits of plea bargains are enjoyed by prosecutors and courts. It is no secret that many court dockets and packed and jails very crowded. Plea bargains enable cases to move through court systems at a much faster pace than trials, easing the load on court staff and judges. These agreements may also keep some people out of jail who may otherwise be sentenced to jail if they proceeded with trials.

For defendants, the biggest advantage may be the lack of the risk and cost that is associated with trials. Even an innocent person risks being found guilty by a jury and certainly a full trial takes time and money that not every defendant has. At the same time, some people are concerned that innocent defendants may actually agree to plea bargains simply out of the fear of being convicted of an even greater offense in a trial.

If you would like to learn more about the plea bargaining process and whether or not entering into a plea bargain may be right for your circumstances, please feel free to visit the crimes and pleas page of our Nebraska criminal defense website.
