Officers Take Money but Do Not Arrest Men Involved


People in Nebraska who are approached seemingly out of the blue by officers may understandably find that to be uncomfortable. This may be especially so if an officer asks questions about what the people are doing or asks permission to look in their homes, vehicles, purses or other belongings. That is what happened to two men in Sarpy County this summer.

A recent report indicates that the men were outside of a mini mart with a gas station and standing near a vehicle when a state patrol office came up to them. It is not clear exactly what questions the officer initially asked of the men but he did eventually ask them if they would let him look inside their vehicle.

Sources indicate that two boxes with large sums of cash were found in the vehicle and that law enforcement has taken the money, totalling more than $156,000, as they believe it may be connected to drug activity. Despite that belief, the only substance found in the vehicle was a small amount of pot. No drug paraphenalia was found either. Federal laws allow money to be taken even without an arrest or conviction. The two men have neither been arrested nor charged with any crime at this point.

People who find themselves in situations like this may find it helpful to talk with an attorney to learn about the laws regarding search and seizure as well as their rights to a defense should it become necessary.

Source: The Lincoln Journal Star, "State Patrol trooper seized $156k from rented van at gas station," Riley Johnson, Sept. 20, 2016
