Use of Ignition Interlock Devices in Nebraska


Among the many consequences that Nebraska residents convicted of impaired driving may face is the required installation and use of an ignition interlock device. What is an IID and how does it work?

An ignition interlock device is a mechanism that aims to prevent a person from driving after having consumed alcohol. According to the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles, anyone convicted of a driving while under the influence charge may need to use an IID. Even people who have been convicted of refusing a chemical test may need to use the IID. The installation of an ignition interlock device may be a requirement in order to reinstate driving privileges. Some drivers may be subject to a wait period without driving before they can apply for an ignition interlock permit.

The Nebraska Legislature explains that a person convicted of a DUI offense may also be subject to ongoing monitoring to ensure that he or she does not consume alcohol at any point during the period in which an ignition interlock device is ordered.

An IID requires a driver to pass a breath test with a blood alcohol content of 0.036 or lower in order to be allowed to start a vehicle. Once the vehicle is started, additional tests will be required. The first of these will happen within approximately five minutes of initially starting the vehicle. Subsequent tests will happen at random times. Drivers will be allowed a few minutes to pull over to take the tests but may also take them while actively driving.
