Job Searching with a Felony Record


There may well be more people in Nebraska with criminal records than many might ever believe. It is not possible to look at someone and know whether or not they've ever been arrested let alone convicted of a crime. The fact is that even the most responsible-looking or -seeming person may well have a criminal record. This even includes people with successful careers. How do they get these jobs if they have criminal records?

U.S. News and World Report explains that it can be difficult to job hunt with a criminal record but it is not impossible. One avenue people in this situation should explore is the expungement or sealing of a record. If that is not possible, it is wise to cultivate a strong professional network. This gives candidates a good pool of references that can vouch for a person's credibility, honesty and character to a potential employer.

According to CareerWise, people with criminal records should be careful to never lie about these realities when looking for a new job. Letting an employer know about an arrest or conviction before it is asked about can go a long way toward developing trust and credibility. At the same time, it can be best to avoid giving too many details of a situation as that can serve to make it a bigger issue.

On top of how to address a criminal record, a good way to get a job is to abide by the basics of interviewing. Making good eye contact, asking smart questions and appearing truly interested in a job will also contribute to a person's ability to get hired.
