Is It Illegal to Use Marijuana in Nebraska?


While many states have legalized marijuana, either medicinally or for recreational use, Nebraska has yet to do so. This means that it is illegal for you to both use and possess the drug while in the state, and if you are caught, you may face severe penalties depending on the amount you have in your possession.

According to the Nebraska statutes, a conviction of possession of marijuana can carry with it penalties of up to $10,000 and five years in prison. However, this only applies if you are found with more than one pound of the drug. The penalties for between one ounce and one pound are much less sever, with no more than seven days in jail and a fine of up to $500. In cases where you have less than an ounce and are a fist-time offender, you may face a fine of $300 and be required to take a drug education course. Second offenses with the same amount of marijuana may cost you $400 and five days in jail. A third offense may result in a fine of $500 and seven days in jail.

It is also illegal for you to grow marijuana in Nebraska, even if you do not intend to sell or distribute, and the drug is to be used for personal recreational or medicinal use only. If growers are apprehended, they can face a $25,000 fine and between one and 22 years in prison depending on the discretion of the judge handling the matter. This information should be taken as educational only, and not misconstrued as legal advice.
