When Omaha Police Are Involved, Lawyers Can Help You


In what many consider to be a "minor crime," a parking ticket has led to legal action by a Nebraska family against 32 members of the Omaha police department. The lawsuit claims that police violated their constitutional rights by breaking into a home and confiscating a video of a "rough arrest." With help from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the plaintiffs are seeking damages for anxiety and depression.

Omaha police responded to a complaint that Octavius Johnson parked his truck on the wrong side of the street. Johnson soon found himself on the ground with patrolmen punching him multiple times while additional officers arrived at the scene.

Juaquez Johnson was also documenting the arrest away from the scene with his camera phone. Suddenly pushed by an officer, Juaquez ran into a neighbor's home with police giving chase. They eventually confiscated his phone. The footage is believed to be destroyed.

Unbeknownst to the patrolmen, the incident was captured by a second camera located in an upstairs window of a nearby home. The footage soon went viral, resulting in demonstrations in the community and dismissal of four officers. Two are facing criminal charges for tampering with evidence or being an accessory.

At a press conference, Omaha Police Chief Todd Schmaderer said, "The final resolution will be fair to the citizens of Omaha, the Omaha Police Department and the specific employees involved so that we can move forward and restore any public trust that may have eroded with this incident."

Octavius also faces charges of resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. His brother is charged with obstructing officers and disorderly conduct.

If you need to protect your rights and the police are involved, you will want to make sure you consult with an experienced attorney who knows how to protect your rights.
