Types of Prescription Drugs That May Be Addictive


While illegal drugs like heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and more often get a lot of attention when it comes to criminal charges, Nebraska residents should always remember that it is possible to be charged with a drug offense pertaining to a legal prescription medication. Many of the drugs commonly prescribed by doctors are highly addictive and can end up moving from something that helps people to something that hurts people.

According to WebMD, there may be multiple factors that play into whether or not a particular person becomes addicted to a drug but genetics may be one of those factors. People with family members who have a past history or alcohol or other drug abuse may be at an increased risk for such things themselves.

Addictive prescription drugs may include those given to people for sleep disorders or anxiety. These include Valium or Xanax and are part of a group of drugs referred to as depressants due to their action on the central nervous system. Other drugs have essentially the opposite effect and are called stimulants. Ritalin and Concerta, two medications often prescribed to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The third group of drugs are generally used to control pain and are all opioids. Oxycodone or OxyContin are two such drugs.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse indicates that treatment for drug addiction may take multiple forms. Some other drugs may actually be useful in helping to wean people off of addiction. Other treatments involve behavioral adjustments. Sometimes people arrested for drug crimes may be able to have access to treatment.
