How Do Plea Bargains Work?


Have you been arrested and charged with a crime in Nebraska? If so, you no doubt have many questions about how the criminal justice system works and how you can or should proceed through it. While every case is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to a criminal defense, it is important for you to understand your options. Depending upon your circumstances, one option for you may be to enter into a plea bargain with the prosecution.

As the American Bar Association explains, entering into a plea bargain is essentially like striking a deal with the prosecutors. As is common in most types of deals, both sides concede something and both sides benefit in some way. One of the benefits that both defendants and prosecutors may appreciate from agreeing to a plea bargain is the ability to avoid a trial. This reduces the amount of time and the amount of money required to process a particular case.

As a defendant in a plea bargain, you may be able to have the nature of your charge reduced to a lesser offense. If you have been charged with multiple crimes, a plea bargain may provide the opportunity for some of those charges to be dropped. You may be required to plead guilty to a lesser offense or to fewer numbers of offenses in exchange.

This information is not intended to provide legal advice but rather is meant to give Nebraska residents an overview of what a plea bargain is and how it may benefit them if they are charged with a crime.
