Criminal Information on Background Checks


Among the many things that Nebraska residents who have been charged with criminal offenses have to be concerned, future background checks may be one. Whether applying for a car loan, a new residence rental or lease or a new job, a background check may be conducted. What information will be returned to a potential lender, landlord or employer? What can be done with that information?

As explained by BLR, employers are only able to conduct background checks that involve criminal activity after they have initially determined that job candidates are actually qualified for the positions being applied for. There are some exceptions to this such as for jobs in law enforcement but this is an important rule for most jobs. Such checks may show credit history or scores, driver's license records and criminal records.

Background Checks indicates that they do not report arrest data only on reports done for employers. This is in part due to the federal laws that preclude any employment-related decisions from being influenced by arrests. Employers are only allowed to use criminal information if it can be determined that an applicant actually committed a crime or was convicted of a crime.

When full criminal data is provided to a potential employer, it could include not only the presence of a conviction but also other details. These include the sentence given as well as the dismssal or violation of parole. For cases not yet reconciled at the time a background check is done, a report will indicate that a criminal case is pending.
