What is the Alcohol/Drug Education/Minor in Possession Class?


If you have been arrested for driving under the influence charges in Nebraska, you may end up being required to participate in a special course related to substance abuse. There is actually more than one type of class that a court can choose to require you to take. One of these is the Alcohol/Drug Education/Minor in Possession course. Even if you do not yet know whether or not you will need to register for and complete this class, it can be helpful to know what it may entail in case you must do so.

The National Safety Council Nebraska explains that the drug and alcohol education program consists of a class held on one day over the course of eight hours. During the day, a myriad of topics are discussed. The purpose is to give you information with which you can ultimately make good decisions with in the future. Setting personal goals will be part of this process.

Once the class begins, you will review the events that occurred up to your arrest to give a framework for understanding how the arrest came to happen. A review of pertinent laws will also be included in the class. Instructors will provide information on how drugs or alcohol impact your physical health as well as your ability to operate a car, truck, SUV or other vehicle.

Discussions about how beliefs and values impact actions will be conducted during the course of the day. This information is not intended to provide legal advice but general information about substance classes ordered by courts in Nebraska.
