How a Drunk Driving Conviction Can Impact Your Life


Nebraska residents who have been arrested for drunk driving have many things to be concerned with. In addition to the logistics of a criminal proceeding or even potential administrative proceedings and penalties, a DUI can impact virtually every part of a person's life. Understanding this at the outset is important for all defendants.

The Examiner explains that a conviction for impaired driving is something that will likely show up on any background check. It is common these days for potential employers to conduct background checks for all candidates before finalizing any new hire decision. Some employers will be more interested in drunk driving offenses than others. For example, jobs that require people to drive for work could be harder to obtain than jobs that have no such requirement.

People who are applying for new jobs should take this into consideration and may need to disclose their DUI convictions ahead of time, even if the convictions happened several years in the past. Being able to offer context around the offense and give assurance to a potential employer that alcohol will not interfere with job performance may be beneficial.

Professor’s House indicates that the high number of married adults with families who experience DUI arrests opens up even more challenges, especially if convictions occur. If one spouse is forced to spend time in jail, the other spouse and the children must find ways to realign their family responsibilities and life. Jail time could prevent a person from working and contributing to the household income. The lack of being able to drive could also impede a person’s ability to work and financially provide for a family.
